Desktop GIS

Instructor:   Peggy Minnis,  Ph.D.

Duration:  12 weeks
Equipment:  Desktop or laptop computer (PC or compatible)
Book:  GIS Tutorial  This has a 180-day full version of the program to use, including all extensions.  This is not required, but a way to get the program.
Program:  Desktop GIS from ESRI, version 10.3 (60 day trial)
Other options are listed in week one's lecture.

The course is divided into three units: 
1. In the first unit, basic principles of mapping, sourcing data online, converting the data to a useable format and making a annotated map will be accomplished
2. In the second unit, new data will be created, addresses will be found, selections will be made, buffers created, GPS data will be collected and integrated with digital photographs and density mapping will be explored.
3. The third unit will use some of the common extensions:  3D, Spatial Analyst and Publisher.

A student will be awarded a badge for completion of each unit, there will be requirements (PDFs of maps posted on the discussion board).  These badges can be used in Mozilla Open Badges or LinkedIn.

At the end of the course, if the student has created all required maps or projects, a certificate from Pace University will be awarded.



GIS Desktop

Week Date Topics



Sourcing the book (optional)
Installing the program
Setting up your computer
Store data and find it easily
Finding data for your own area from the Census
Unzipping data, storing data
Ways of looking at Earth, projections



Ways to add data to your map
Base maps using ArcGIS
Clipping features to map just one area
The attribute table, adding a new field
Zoom in, out, pan, zoom to a feature
Layouts , switching from Layout to Map views
Shapefiles and Geodatabases



Changing the projection of your shapefiles
Symbolizing data – colors, symbols, effects
Labeling, setting extents for labels to show
Make PDFs with layers



Making an address locator of your region
Geocoding addresses in a Excel spreadsheet
Batch Geocoding via web services
Using Lat/Lon to locate places on a map
Making a video of time-related data
Exporting files to Google Earth



Creating new shapefiles - point, polygon, line
Adding fields, calculating geometry
Editing features



Selection - how features interact with each other
Ways to use selection
Spatial queries
Creating buffers zones



Georeferencing, converting a paper map to a feature.
Using a GPS to map features, routes
Converting GPS data to useable format
Camera with GPS – integrating
Camera and GPS separate – making them work
Hyperlinking Photos, documents and video to spots on the map
Making a form to use smartphones & mobile devices to collect data



Getting more out of the US Census Fact Finder
Density mapping of census features - dot mapping
"Heat" mapping for John Snow cholera and other location data for public health use (just an example)



Extension:  Publisher
Making a map in ArcMAP for use in ArcReader
How to get ArcReader and tell others how to read your map
ArcGIS Online (UK Guest Lecturer)

The National Map
Downloading DEMS from USGS viewer
Doing various feats with 3D analyst in ArcMAP



Extension:  ArcScene
Draping imagery and shapefiles over DEMS or other topo feature
Extruding features in ArcScene



Extension:  Spatial Analyst
Preparing density analysis and John Snow cholera data



Using GIS with US Forest Service iTree Tools for
Canopy Analysis, carbon dioxide absorption, carbon storage



install tracking codes
Visitors Total