Dr. Brian R. Evans



Professor, Mathematics Education
Pace University
163 William Street, Floor 11
New York, NY 10038
bevans@pace.edu, 212.346.1248





Dr. Brian R. Evans is a tenured professor of mathematics education at Pace University in New York.

Scholarship: Conducts research in teacher quality for alternative teacher certification pathways and traditional pre-service teacher preparation programs, particularly in relation to affective teaching variables. Dr. Evans is interested in mathematics history, urban and international mathematics education, and mathematical problem solving.

Publication: Produced over 80 publications across peer-reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings, newsletter articles, book chapters, book reviews, and book publications. Dr. Evans has presented over 140 conference presentations and professional development workshops. He has collaborated on multiple grant-funded projects. Dr. Evans has been the managing editor for the peer-reviewed Journal of the National Association for Alternative Certification (JNAAC), which is the leading research journal for alternative certification research in the United States.

Teaching: Teaches undergraduate and graduate pedagogical and content courses in mathematics including teaching students who are both in-service and pre-service teachers at the elementary and secondary levels. Courses taught include in-person and online classes. Dr. Evans has taught faculty-led study abroad courses.

Leadership: Served as the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the School of Education at Pace University, Assistant Provost for Experiential Learning at Pace University, Department Chairperson in the School of Education in New York, Chairperson of Pace University’s Institutional Review Board, and Director of Pace University’s Summer Scholars Institute.

Education: Received his doctoral degree in 2005 from Temple University in Philadelphia, which is also his hometown.

Interest: Includes health and fitness, running and martial arts, reading, and travel. Dr. Evans has traveled extensively both overseas and in the United States, including travel to over 100 countries and all 50 states.


Documents     Publications     JNAAC     School of Education     Blackboard



The following books are authored by Dr. Evans.


The Development of Mathematics Throughout the Centuries: A Brief History in a Cultural ContextWith a balanced blend of formal history with anecdotes and legends, The Development of Mathematics throughout the Centuries: A Brief History in a Cultural Context takes readers on a journey throughout time in an effort to understand the patterns of quantity, structure, and dimensions found in the world. The author explores mathematics using a historical context and emphasizes that no single culture had a monopoly on mathematical advancements; rather, various groups influenced one another and developed simultaneously. This book is available from Wiley and Amazon.






http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41g3aL%2BKXtL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpgConceptual Understanding in Mathematics: A Handbook on the Reasoning Behind Selected Mathematical Topics is intended for educators, parents/guardians, students, or anyone simply interested in understanding the reasoning behind selected basic, and not so basic, mathematical topics. Another intention of the handbook is to present the reader with a selected group of counterintuitive results found in mathematics, which would prove interesting for the reader and for students in mathematics. This book is available from Amazon.



http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31lhNmwOCiL.jpgThe Last Recourse: Adventures in Budget Travel for College Students and Enriching Education through Global Experiences demonstrates how college students, or anyone, can travel abroad cheaply, and enrich their educational experience in the process. Travelling abroad, particularly budget travel, can be one of the most rewarding parts of a young person’s education. The book takes the reader through ways to reduce costs on a trip and make the most of the experience. This book is available from Amazon.






