John A. Humbach
Professor of Law
(c) 2005

Review Questions

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This review consists of 100 questions. In answering these questions, assume (unless otherwise specified) that, at the times of conveyance, O is an owner in fee simple absolute, and that every named party is alive and unmarried. Assume that all life estates end at the death of the named life tenant. When you see words appropriate for a defeasible fee simple, assume that the words of conveyance also include whatever additional words (e.g. words of reverter or re-entry) that may be required by law in order to create the defeasible estate. Assume that the state recognizes all the traditional American common law estates, including the fee tail and tenancies by the entirety.

Except as otherwise specified, all conveyances are to be considered as if made, in each case, by a deed having the effect of a bargain and sale, after the Statute of Uses, but ignoring the effects of obsolete doctrines such as the Rule in Shelley's Case, the Doctrine of Worthier Title and the destructibility of contingent remainders. Ignore the possibility of dower. Do not assume the existence of any facts or agreements not set forth in the questions.

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