
Education Ph.D.
Environmental Science,
of Environmental Science and Forestry,
Syracuse, NY 1982
M.S. Environmental Science,
of Environmental Science and Forestry,
Syracuse, NY, 1979
B.S. Chemistry,
University University of South Carolina
Primary Interest Areas:
My service on the Darien, Connecticut
Environmental Protection Commission influenced my concept on how an
environmental education can be used to serve the needs of a community to
improve the environment.
in-depth study resulted in a textbook on onsite wastewater treatment
systems and how they can address community sanitation needs and recycle
water in an efficient and environmentally-sensitive manner.
I have used and taught GIS to address community issues in watershed
protection, water quality
mapping, open space analysis, historic preservation, 3-D analysis of
watershed boundaries and air quality analysis.
I teach Desktop
as a MOOC on Google Classroom.
I have trained and led volunteer groups to monitor streams using the
Izaak Walton League of America’s Save Our Streams program, training
participants to identify benthic macroinvertebrates and perform
field-based chemical analysis of the waters. I have worked
with golf courses to help them achieve certification in the
Audubon Cooperative Wildlife Sanctuary Program, providing water
quality monitoring information
Prior to teaching at Pace, my research was devoted to using scanning
electron microscopy and energy-dispersive x-ray analysis to analyze
particulates, concentrating on developing a signature to
identify the fly ash from coal-fired power plants.
Areas of Interest
Watershed Management, Onsite and Municipal Wastewater Treatment, Stream
Evaluation, Wetland Protection, Solid Waste Management, Environmental Assessment,
Environmental Impact Statement Analysis and Preparation, Environmental
Chemistry, Online Science Education, using iTree tools to assess the
value of the urban forest
Courses Recently Taught
Environmental Assessment
Environmental Chemistry
Geographic Information Systems
Environmental Science (both online with at-home labs and in person)
Consumer Chemistry (online, with at-home labs)
Desktop GIS (choice of ArcMAP, ArcGIS Pro, QGIS Global Mapper) a
microcredential (electronic badge by Credly) course.
"Analysis of Who Has Taken a Free GIS Course"
= NEARC 2023 Fall Conference - Education Session (September 2023)
"Teaching Desktop GIS Course using three optional platforms" NEARC
Spring meeting, Westfield State University, Westfield, MA, (May,2022) "3D of the Pocantico in a 1-Meter Tiled Model" -
Westchester GIS Users Group Meeting, May 2019
"3D Printout of a LiDAR
Model of the Pocantico River Watershed" - NEARC Spring Meeting - Keene
State College, Keene, NH, May 2019
"Student Retention Methods in a
Free Online GIS Course" NEARC Spring Meeting - UConn -May, 2018
"Preparation for an iTree ECO Urban Tree Inventory using GIS" NEARC Fall
Meeting - Newport, RI November 2017
"Service Learning in a GIS
Course" New Jersey Geospatial Forum - Rutgers University, September 2017
"Using GIS
and LiDAR to Identify Potential Stormwater Detention Areas" NEARC Spring
Meeting - UConn, May 2017
"Service Learning Course Using GIS for
Multiple Audiences" NEARC Fall Meeting - Falmouth, MA, October
2016 "Thermal Infrared Imaging - What Can We Learn From It?"
NEARC Spring Meeting - Amherst, MA, May 12, 2015.
"Two years of the GIS MOOC" NEARC Fall Educational
Conference, Groton, CT, October, 2014.
"After the MOOC
What Did I Learn from Teaching 'The Basics of GIS' as an
Open Online Course?" NEARC Spring Meeting -
Amherts, MA - May 13, 2014
"The Basics of GIS - Lessons Learned" - NEARC
Fall Educational Conference, Nashua, New Hampshire, September 30, 2013
"Creating a GIS MOOC" - NEARC Spring meeting, UMass
Amherst, May, 2013
"iTree Tools to Measure Impact of Forests." Montclair State
Graduate Seminar, September 11, 2012.
"Using VUE to Estimate CO2 Uptake by Urban
Forests." NEARC Spring Meeting, Smith College, May, 2012
"Mentoring Graduate Students using iTree Tools." NEARC fall meeting,
Saratoga Spring, NY, November 2011
"Editing Videos for Online
Instruction" Technology and Teaching, Pace NY, February 25, 2011
"GPS and ArcPAD with a Netbook" NEARC fall meeting,
Newport, RI, November 10, 2010
ArcReader Documents to Serve Communities" NEARC Spring Meeting,
Smith College, May 2010.
“Creating a GIS Hub at
” 24th Annual Conference, Nashua,
NH, October 2009.
“Synchronizing Photos to Tracklog Points” NEARC
Spring 2009 Meeting,
MA, May 12, 2009.
Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems. M.M. Minnis, B.D.
Burks. Hogarth House, Ltd. 1994. reprinted 2010
& Links to online publications or abstracts.
Student Theses
This link gives the titles and a description of each of the graduate
student theses I have mentored at Pace University.
I created and maintain the Pace
Pleasantville weather station.
Volunteer Work
Since 1986, I have been the contact for US Peace Corps
volunteers worldwide to obtain free books through
Book Aid. This volunteer organization
normall sends requested books to over 500 Peace Corps
volunteers annually.
I play cello in the Carriage House Chamber Orchestra
that meets in the Moose Room of the Rowayton Community Center.