Chaired Tenure and Promotion Committee for Vishal Lala: I chaired Vishal Lala's tenure and promotion (TAP) committee. I called a meeting of all tenured members of the department to review Vishal's dossier. The committee spent less than an hour discussing his credentials. Though there was an issue brewing about his candidacy even at that time, the committee met and voted on his candidacy. I prepared a letter on behalf of the committee and submitted it to Lubin TAP which was eventually added to his dossier. Vishal was later advised to withdraw his tenure file from further consideration upon the advise of the dean, and other administrators.

Chaired tenure and promotion committee for Dr. Larry Chiagouris: Dr. Larry Chiagouris applied for tenure and promotion to Full Professor. As chair of the committee, I prepared a letter on behalf of the voting members of the committee and submitted it for review at the Lubin TAP and CDFPT committees.

Chaired Dr. Mary Long's Promotion Committee for appointment to Full Professor: Dr. Mary Long applied for a promotion to Full Professor. As chair of the committee, I prepared a letter on behalf of the voting members of the committee and submitted it for review at the Lubin TAP and CDFPT committees.

Faculty search committee: I worked with Dr. Topol looking through some of the faculty resumes we received prior to Dr. Topol's AMA visit in 2005. However, due to lack of funding to hire new faculty, we did not follow through with the process.

2005-2006:  Doctoral Exam --
Tom Finnerty and Andrew Feldstein: As the doctoral advisor, I prepared and graded DPS exams for Tom Finnerty and Andrew Feldstein. Both successfully passed the comprehensives and are officially of ABD status.

Tenure and Promotion committee chair in the Marketing department: I chaired the tenure committee for David Gertner and the promotion committee for Karen Berger in 2004. Duties entailed attendance at meetings, deliberations, and writing a letter as chair of the committee reflecting views of department members comprising committee.

Chair of Marketing Department Faculty Search Committee: This year's pool of candidates who were invited for a campus visit included Beth Stenerson, Stevie Watson, Vishal Lala, Ipshita Ray and Jonathan Hartman. Sertan Kabadayi presented his research too as part of the pool of candidates. Since 2003: While Ana takes care of most of the tasks associated with paperwork and other administrative duties, I peruse documents prepared in this regard. (Tasks: strict adherence to new faculty hiring guidelines; candidate interviews at American Marketing Association's annual meeting, circulation of faculty bios, maintenance of applicant flow log, mailing EEO questionnaires, arrangement of campus visits for new faculty, candidate's classroom teaching and research presentation logistics, provided valuable input into the student evaluation form for faculty evaluation, appraise Lisa Miles, AAO of the University of status of the recruitment process).