Dr Pradeep Gopalakrishna

  • Branda, A., Lala, V., Gopalakrishna, P. (2018). The Marketing Analytics Orientation (MAO) of firms: Identifying factors That create Highly Analytical Marketing Practices. Journal Of Marketing Analytics, Accepted.

  • DiStefano, D., Gopalakrishna, P. (2018). Impact of Brand Personality on New Product Success: A Framework for Leading an Independent Life. Journal Of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, Accepted.

  • Mueller, D., Gopalakrishna, P. (2016). Market Orientation and Worker Type: Knowledge Worker Vs. Talent Workers and their Influence on the Organization. Journal Of Marketing Management, 4(2), 1-6.

  • Fleischmann, D., Gopalakrishna, P. (2016). Walmart in India. Journal of The International Academy for Case Studies, 22(3).

  • Fleischmann, D., Gopalakrishna, P. (2016). Starbucks in India. Journal of Case Studies, 34

  • Barakat, A., Gopalakrishna, P., Lala, V. (2014). The Impact of Arab American Ethnic Identity on the Consumption of Culture-Specific Products. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 26(5), 405-425. www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08961530.2014.946575

  • Gopalakrishna, P., Failla, J. Thomas (2014). Moderator Role in Green Product Purchases. Atlantic Marketing Journal, 3(1).

  • Kirk, C., Chiagouris, L., Gopalakrishna, P. (2012). Some People Just Want to Read: The Roles of Age, Interactivity, and Perceived Usefulness of Print in the Consumption of Digital Information Products. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 19(1), 168-178. www.elsevier.com

  • Subramanian, R., Gopalakrishna, P. (2012). Under Armour. Business Case Journal, 19(Issue 2), 62-83.

  • Long, M., Sandler, D., Gopalakrishna, P. (2011). The Impact of an International Field Study on Students' Learning and Consumer Ethnocentrism. International Journal of Business Innovation Research, 5(6), 704-713.

  • Cole, M., Long, M., Chiagouris, L., Gopalakrishna, P. (2011). Transitioning from Traditional to Digital Content: An Examination of Opinion Leadership and Word of Mouth Communication across Various Media Platforms. Journal of Internet Commerce, 10, 91-105.

  • P. Gopalakrishna and R. Subramanian.The Relationship between Market Orientation and Performance in Family-Owned Firms: A Context-Specific Investigation International Journal of Business Innovation Research, Volume 3, Number 5, 2009

  • Gopalakrishna, P. & Subramanian, R. (2008).  Understanding Virtual Value Chains in a retail environment: a case study of Wal-Mart. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 3 (3), 263-274.

  • Motwani, J., Gopalakrishna, P., & Subramanian, R. (2006).  Source of Knowledge Acquisition by U.S. and Indian Managers: A Comparative study . Indian Management Studies Journal, 9 (2), 1-16.

  • Bjerke, R., Gopalakrishna, P., & Sandler, D. (2005).  A Cross-National Comparison of Scandinavian Value Orientations: From Value Segmentation to Promotional Appeals . Journal of Promotion Management, 12 (1), 53-74.

  • Bjerke, R., Rosendahl, T., Gopalakrishna, P., & Sandler, D. (2005).  Ad Element Liking and its Relationship to Overall Ad Liking: A European Cross-Cultural Investigation. Journal of Promotion Management, 12 (1), 115-146.

  • Gopalakrishna, P. & Subramanian, R. (2004).  Emphasis or Balance: The Impact of Form of Market Orientation on Performance. Journal of Global Marketing, 17 (2/3), 115-139.

  • Gopalakrishna, P. & Subramanian, R. (2001).  The Market Orientation-Performance Relationship in the Context of a Developing Economy: an Empirical Analysis. Journal of Business Research, 53 (1), 1-13.