Careers in Marketing Day at Pleasantville, Butcher Suite: I organized a major event - Careers in Marketing for students in Pleasantville. The event attracted over 35 students. 5 panel speakers from different fields within Marketing (Sales, Direct Marketing, Advertising) addressed the students.

Undergraduate Program Chair of Marketing:Duties entail direct responsibility for faculty schedules in the Marketing department. Since, faculty tend to cross campuses due to shortage of full-time faculty members, I was also involved in the making of schedules for F/T members at the GC and NY (UG) too. Ssuccessfully upgraded the Administrative Asst. position for the Marketing and Legal Studies dept. in PLV to Program Coordinator. With Prof. Kraus interviewed several candidates and successfully hired Pat Saviano for the post. Oversee the Marketing lab in PLV on a weekly basis and involved in Career Services and Coop in PLV.

Graduate Program Chair of Marketing --duties:Taught at both the GC campus and NY campus. Assist Dr. Topol in the preparation of course schedules for Fall and Spring. Work with Dr. Berger on this too to coordinate between faculty teaching across multiple campuses.

Assurance Of Learning

2007-2008: Lubin Program Advisor
Fulbright Scholarship Applications - New York: Reviewed Fulbright scholarship applications in New York.

TV interview on Channel 10/TV 55 - Aftermath of Mumbai terrorist attacks: As events were unfolding in Mumbai during the Mumbai attacks, Channel 10/TV 55 contacted me for an interview. The TV interview focused upon the economic ramifications of USA-India relations during the aftermath of the attacks. The interview was aired on the 11:00 p.m. news.

Organized and Spearheaded Graduate Students Spring Fest on all 3 campuses: In spring 2006, three separate events were organized by me called Spring Graduate Student Fest at the NY, Mid-Town and WP, Grad. Center locations. The event was held to have students meet faculty informally outside the classroom. The event was a huge success at the Mid-Town and GC locations. Associate Dean Hall and Dean Baczko were in attendance