Dr Pradeep Gopalakrishna



  • Subramanian, R., Motwani, J., & Gopalakrishna, P. (2007). Sources of Knowledge Acquisition by Indian Managers: An Empirical Analysis. In Elias G. Carayannis and Jean-Jacques Chanaron (Ed.) Leading and Managing Creators, Inventors and Innovators, (pp. 315-332). West Port, Connecticut:  Praeger Publishers.

  • Motwani, J., Gopalakrishna, P., & Subramanian, R. (2003). “Sources of Knowledge Acquisition by U.S. Managers: An Empirical Analysis,” . In A. Gunasekaran, O. Khalil and Syed M. Rahman, (Ed.) Knowledge and Information Technology Management: Human and Social Perspectives,, (pp. 14-28). Portland, Oregon:  Idea Group Publishing.


  • Gopalakrishna, P. (2005). Marketing: An Introduction, Test Item File, Upper Saddle River, NJ:  Prentice Hall.