Dr Pradeep Gopalakrishna




  • Failla, J. Thomas, Gopalakrishna, P.   Moderator Role in Green Product Purchases. Marketing Association Conference..

  • Kirk, C., Gopalakrishna, P. (2011).   The Natives are restless: The effect of age and interactivity on consumer response to digital information products.Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference..

  • Gopalakrishna, P., Subramanian, R. (2010).  The Role of Market Orientation Components on the Performance of Family-Owned Businesses,. Northeast Business and Economic Association..

  • Faila, T., Gopalakrishna, P. (2008).  Converting intentions to action when it comes to environmentally preferred products:. Global Interdependencies:International Business, Economics, Environment and Education..

  • Subramanian, R., Gopalakrishna, P. (2007).  The Relationship between Market Orientation and Performance in Family-Owned Firms: A Context-Specific Exploratory Investigation. Eastern Academy of Management..

  • Gopalakrishna, P., Subramanian, R. (2006).  Disruptive Innovation and Supply Chain Management: Bar Codes, RFID and Beyond. Global Manufacturing and Innovation (GMI)..

  • Monahan, R. & Gopalakrishna, P. (2005).  An emprical study linking organizational learning and market orientation in American hospitals. 10th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications.

  • Feldstein, A. & Gopalakrishna, P. (2005).  Lenovo: Not Your Father's IBM. North American Case Research Association, 19 (1), 81.

  • Gopalakrishna, P., Subramanian, R. (2003).  How market-oriented are family-owned firms? Annual Conference of the Family Firm Institute.

  • Bjerke, R., Gopalakrishna, P., & Sandler, D. (2003).  “Toward a conceptual framework to identify promotional themes: An empirical examination using three Scandinavian countries,'. International Academy of Business Disciplines, X, Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspe, 77-81.

  • Bjerke, R., Rosendahl, T., & Gopalakrishna, P. (2003).  “A cross-national investigation: Liking of three facial cream print advertisements in three different European cultures,' . International Academy of Business Disciplines, X, Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspe, 16-20.

  • Bjerke, R., Gopalakrishna, P., & Sandler, D. (2002).  Differences in Value Orientation Between Coke Drinkers and Cola House Brand Drinkers: A Cross-National Investigation. Academy of Marketing Science, IV, 39.

  • Bjerke, R., Gopalakrishna, P., & Sandler, D. (2002).  A Cross-National comparison of Scandinavian Value Orientation: From Value Segmentation to Promotional Appeals. Academy of Marketing Science, IV, 20.

  • Gopalakrishna, P. & Subramanian, R. (2000).  The Changing Nature of Strategic Alliances: A Case Study of Disney-Pixar. Northeast Business and Economic Association.

  • Gopalakrishna, P. & Subramanian, R. (2000).  Emphasis or Balance: The Impact of Form of Market Orientation on Performance. Academy of Marketing. .